“ABC Phonics Song” by The Learning Station
“ABC Phonics Song” From the CD, “Preschool Learning Fun” By The Learning Station ©Monopoli/The Learning Station Click here to download “Preschool Learning Fun” CD with lyrics.
“ABC Phonics Song” From the CD, “Preschool Learning Fun” By The Learning Station ©Monopoli/The Learning Station Click here to download “Preschool Learning Fun” CD with lyrics.
“A Ram Sam Sam” From the CD, “Action! Fun! Dance!” By The Learning Station ©Monopoli/The Learning Station Click here to download “Action! Fun! Dance!” CD. Includes complete booklet with lyrics and instructions.
Preschool Learning FUN! is AVAILABLE NOW in Full CD Download! Traditional, skill building children’s songs have proven the test of time and have most likely been enjoyed by your parents and your grandparents alike! You’ll enjoy this collection of popular classic favorites, activity songs and nursery rhymes with a splash of original tunes! Included…
The Learning Station’s NAEYC Annual Conference Thursday, November 8, 2012 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Georgia World Congress Center, Sidney Marcus Auditorium “Making a positive difference in children’s lives through interactive songs, activities and dance!” Engage yourself in a musically, super-charged workshop that will explore the many tremendous values and benefits of interactive music and…
Saturday, November 10, 2012 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Georgia World Congress Center, Sidney Marcus Auditorium Sing! Dance! Move! Celebrating Music in Early Childhood Education Everyone will unite, sing and dance during this exciting performance with five of the nation’s leading educational children’s recording artists! Participation is certainly the key for this interactive musical celebration…
A Fitness & Learning Musical Blast! NEW CD! Action! Fun! Dance! Kids of all ages will laugh, dance and sing-along with this engaging, super fun collection of 14 songs. Included are modern versions of popular classics and original songs galore. There are lively dances, songs that inspire friendship and interactive activity tunes to encourage youngsters to stay…
We hope you can join us for one of these Learning Station upcoming events! If you would like more information regarding a date or to join a tour please call 1.800.789.9990 or email TheLearningStation@cfl.rr.com.
Super FUN TEN CD Bundle Giveaway! Facebook Giveaway: “I got a tiny boo-boo”, one lucky person will WIN 10 Learning Station CD’s! The cases have a tiny boo-boo but the CD’s are fine ($150.00 retail value)! To enter : LIKE our page on Facebook and in the post a comment section let us know the…
By Laurie Monopoli Child Development Specialist and author of “The Book About Tony Chestnut” School is back in session and so begins academic lessons in reading, writing and arithmetic. The return to school should be a positive experience and it should be a safe environment where children can learn…
Children learn best through hands-on activities that incorporate the senses. Learning about apples opens up a plethora of exciting exploration and new discoveries! Theme teaching with correlating projects allows us to cover a variety of material and effectively teach many concepts and skills. This approach builds on children’s interest, as it allows them to learn…
Children’s Favorites Autumn Songs & Fingerplays CD download only $10.00 Children naturally love to sing, dance and move. These adorable tunes will spark those young imaginations through popular rhymes, action songs and fingerplays. Toddlers and preschoolers will giggle with joy as they participate in these super simple, easy to learn, movement songs. Your children…
“What Color is This?” Copyright © Monopoli/The Learning Station From the CD, “Singing, Moving and Fun” By The Learning Station