Why take brain breaks?
Brain breaks allow children the opportunity mentally rest their brain by diverting their mind into movements that allow them to:
- refresh
- recharge
- refocus
- regenerate
- release stress
- breathe
Regular brain breaks enhance attentiveness, concentration, focus and accelerate learning by allowing children to release their energy, anxiety and stress. Brain breaks also increase circulation, promote physical fitness and coordination.
Experts Say We Need to Move More
According to medical expert Dr. James Levine, from one our nation’s leading research hospital the Mayo Clinic, “Sitting all day long is literally killing us.” His best advice to all people is to “break up the sitting time.” In a nutshell, sit less, live longer.
Moving with the Brain in Mind by the renowned educational speaker, Eric Jensen defines the valuable role and connection between movement and learning. “Brain research confirms that physical activity—moving, stretching, walking—can actually enhance the learning process,” Jensen says.
And, even Ellen DeGeneres opens all her shows with her famous happy dance! When the show first launched she didn’t intend on dancing every episode. However, her fans would not have it any other way. So dancing became a regular segment.
The Learning Station has created brain breaks action, dance songs that are easy, fun and take just a few minutes. And they have an added ingredient – jovial bliss! When children take a moment to sing, dance, move and laugh then they will return to their academics feeling happy, joyous, energized and renewed. These songs are part of brain breaks programs spanning the globe. More and more schools are realizing the significant values of brain breaks for both students and teachers. So take a break, about every 35 minutes– get up, move and dance — even laugh!
Click on each song title to view the brain break demonstration music video.
“Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends”
For more information about brain boosting music and movement download our free printable training handout and activity guide. Download PDF
Visit The Learning Station online where you can listen to song samples from our entire collection of award-winning CD’s!
In a Hurry! Full CD Downloads are fast, easy, save time and money! Also, they include the entire CD insert with lyrics and actions.
ALL Learning Station music is NOW available for Download! Click here
We love brain breaks with the Learning Station songs on YouTube! Our SmartBoard lets me show your videos on the big screen and it really gets the class up and moving. It’s also perfect for those LONG RAINY SPRING weeks when we don’t get to go outside. We’ve even created a direct link to Stomp, Clap on the desktop for quick access. With 22 kindergarten students, we have lots of favorites so I’m not sure which to list here. I guess I need to ask the class Monday and create a corresponding graph to determine the winner. What fun! Sounds like a plan.
Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing such wonderful resources with us!