Ages: 3 & up (Adults LOVE it too!)
This musical collection is brimming with 14 lively action songs, circle games and upbeat, learning fun. Top rated internationally by educators and parents this CD features the HIT songs, Tony Chestnut, Five Little Monkeys and Shiny Clean Dance. On top of all this fun, its quite a healthy workout too!
Everyone’s favorite song by far is Tony Chestnut! If you haven’t heard of this song, then you’ve missed out on a LOT of FUN! Tony Chestnut is a delightful, silly tune that will have everyone moving and laughing as they try to keep up with movements that use body parts to replace words; point to your toe, knee, chest and nut (head). As it speeds up, so does the fun (Even a blast for a group of business professionals who have been sitting in a long meeting!).
Runtime: 42:02
Includes booklet with lyrics and movements.
YouTube Demonstration Videos
Toy – 2011 TDMonthly Classic Award
Creative Child Magazine – 2009 Seal of Excellence Award
2008 Children’s Music Web, Best Recording for Preschoolers
Professional Reviews
By Angie, Review Stream
I am a preschool teacher and my preschoolers love The Learning Stations Tony Chestnut and Fun time Action Songs CD. These preschoolers love dancing and singing to the great songs that are on this CD, plus it is a great way for them to burn off some of their energy. My favorite song is Tony Chestnut. I think the reason that I like it so much is because of the actions. For example when you sing the To in Tony, you would touch your toe, sing the Ny and you touch your knee. For Chest, obviously you touch your chest and for nut you touch your head. Kind of reminds me of the head, shoulders, knees and toes song! The CD contains a booklet that has all the songs lyrics as well as diagrams to show what actions are being taken if needed.
Customer Reviews
My students have limited English speaking skills but dearly love the songs on the “Tony Chestnut” c.d. How exciting it is to see them so thrilled about enjoying the school day since your songs are a part of our routine daily!
– Ruth Wassom, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
My class of preschool and pre-k students loves Tony Chestnut. We are doing that song in our end of school program.
– Kristi Cook, Nocona, TX
I thought you might enjoy my story about the Tony Chestnut Song. I heard your presentation at NAEYC and I bought the CD. I work with teachers and parents in Head Start not directly with children. Every month I do a presentation at our parent policy council about literacy. In Dec. as part of my presentation I taught the parents and other adults the Tony Chestnut Song. It was hysterical but a ton of fun. Later that month I was at a parent meeting to do a presentation and a parent asked if I was planning to do the Tony Chestnut song. I wasn’t and I didn’t have the CD but needless to say we did the song anyway. I love to see parents having fun.
Thanks so much.
– Sue Nygard
I was introduced to your “Tony Chestnut” and “Wild Things” songs at a “NC Caring For Children’s Conference” that I attended in Fayetteville, NC on April 1, 2006. I was very impressed with your music. I know the children in our Center would love your music. Many thanks!
– Deborah Williams, FTCC Children’s Center, Fayetteville, NC
Thanks for the wonderful music. I first heard Tony Chestnut at a Conscious Discipline conference and fell in LOVE with him!! Your literacy CD looks awesome too!! 🙂
– Erin Lapin, Menasha Joint School District, Kimberly, WI
“My class LOVES Tony Chestnut. We even performed the song at the school’s talent show! It was a hit!”
– Sara Pommarane
“I teach Pre-k and my children love the Tony Chestnut CD. In fact, we have had several others in the school come to watch the children act out some of the songs. Thanks for a hip CD!!”
– Jennifer Ellis, Okapilco Elementary School, Moultrie, GA
“What a great CD. I just heard Tony Chestnut and can’t wait to teach it to my 4 and 5 year olds!”
– Kathy Frumoff, Faith United Methodist Church, Ft. Myers, FL
“I’ve been teaching Phys. Ed for 30 yrs. Now, and this is one of the best CD’s for getting kids involved and enjoying movement so much. My students love this CD so much they ask for it over and over again. It’s a great whole language experience!”
– Joan Weinberg
“I just experienced a great conference in Atlanta with sessions from The Learning Station. Once I returned to school with the CD’s Tony Chestnut and Get Funky, my students won’t let me play any other music. The students and I love your music.”
– Page Flynn, Atlanta, GA
“This is a wonderful CD! I use it all the time. I am a Girl Scout Leader & the girls Daisy (4-5 yrs old), Brownies (6-9 yrs old) & Juniors (9-12 yrs old) love this CD. They have even taught other groups the Tony Chestnut song. I can’t say enough about The Learning Station CD’s. Their music gets everyone involved. I highly recommend this CD along with their others. My scouts always know when I bring out one of The Learning Station CD’s its time for FUN. Thanks for making my scouts smile. ”
– Lorraine McCartney
“I lead music for all Kinder Kids in my School, 175 in all and they always ask for Tony Chestnut. Thank you for your dedication to teaching children in a fun developmental appropriate way.”
Judy Fields
“I have used this CD in my pre-k class for the last 2 years and it has always been a hit. We even use it in our end-of-the-year program. The parents love it as much as the children do. I will begin teaching in a new school next year and of the first purchases I will encourage will be Tony Chestnut!”
– Dee Thompson
We LOVE Tony Chestnut!!!! 🙂
– Kelly Colgate, Chase City Elementary, Chase City, VA
Our kids absolutely LOVE Tony Chestnut! So do my fellow teachers!
– Maura H Foley, Milton, MA
I teach Pre-k and my children love the Tony Chestnut CD. In fact, we have had several others in the school come to watch the children act out some of the songs. Thanks for a hip CD!!
– Jennifer Ellis, Okapilco Elementary School, Moultrie, GA
“This is the best CD! My four-year-olds just love singing, dancing, and learning with each of these songs! Keep the CD’s coming… I have just about all of your products.”
– Ann
“Tony Chestnut stole the show at our Spring Parent Show.”
– Joan Nichol
“I LOVE THIS CD!!! I hope you keep up the great work.”
Heather Leonhart”
The children in my 4 year old pre-k class love Tony Chestnut.”
– Ortiz