Colors All Around
$1.00Colors are even better when you mix them!
Colors are even better when you mix them!
There were 3 family crocodiles swimming up the River Nile!
Days of the week all end with the word DAY.
Get off the couch. Get off the chair. Go outside and breathe fresh air.
Opposites are like young and old, cold and hot.
On your mark, get set, go!
Siblings are brothers and sisters. Do you have any siblings?
Learn that snakes just want to be left alone and most are your friends.
Snow comes in flurries or blizzards. No two snowflakes are the same.
Look way up and to the sky point your fingers low and high. Do the Wild and Crazy Guy!
A pair of camel hair mittens. That’s all he wanted. Be careful what you wish for!
Celebrate a Country Christmas with all the farm animals and a hayride!